The ​Landlord Engagement and Assistance Program is designed to address the challenges facing the homeless system of care by increasing positive exits to stable housing from both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness. LEAP is a robust program that will work with landlords, social service providers and its participants to quickly and permanently rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness. 

LEAP will be administered by an experienced partnering agency who will engage landlords to increase rental units available in the market for people exiting homelessness. The Partnering agency will provide landlord incentives, housing support services and case management services to support both the participant and the landlord. 

​The Partnering agency will work with participants to match them to a stable home, provide life skills and respond to landlord concerns to help participants gain the tools needed for a successful tenancy.

Partnering landlords will have a great partnership when working with LEAP

  • Problem prevention via home visits to tenants
  • Tenants are connected to services
  • Open communication with LEAP provider
  • Neutral mediator for problem solving
  • Eliminate advertising costs of vacant units
  • Partnership with professional human service agency
  • Landlord incentives
  • Joy of helping others