​​​​​​Introduction Outreach Efforts

The County of Sacramento is the primary entity responsible for providing homeless outreach services to unincorporated areas and the Parkway. The County's approach to outreach services is multifaceted with teams dedicated to:

  • Proactive outreach to County-identified priority encampments
  • Response driven needs from Sheriff, Rangers, and other County partners
  • Maintaining consistent outreach 'office hours' distributed throughout suburban areas

County funded outreach teams employ a 'case carrying' approach in which they provide on-going engagement focused on resolving a person's experience of unsheltered homelessness. Services outreach teams offer include (not limited to):

  • Shelter + Re-housing Services
  • Referrals + linkages to community resources
  • Securing vital documents 
  • Transportation support
  • Access to basic needs supplies

Outreach Data Summary (roll-up)
